MedTech News

SynCardia picks up patent for total artificial heart
SynCardia announced today that it received a second patent expanding the coverage of its fully implantable artificial heart technology.

FDA clears Exactech porous 3D tibial implant for knee replacement
Exactech announced today that it received FDA 510(k) clearance for its Truliant porous tibial tray, a 3D tibial knee implant.

FDA approves Abbott CGMs for use during medical imaging
Abbott (NYSE:ABT) today announced a significant regulatory milestone that could make common medical procedures easier for people with diabetes.

CytexOrtho gets FDA approval for first-in-human trial of absorbable hip implants
CytexOrtho today said it has approval from the FDA to start a Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of its absorbable hip implant in human patients.

FDA clears Paragonix KidneyVault portable renal perfusion system
Paragonix Technologies this week announced it received FDA 510(k) clearance for its KidneyVault donor kidney preservation system.

Insulet fully launches Omnipod 5 app for iPhone in U.S.
Insulet (Nasdaq:PODD) Omnipod 5 users now have a new way to control their automated insulin delivery system.

Novosound unveils ultrasonic blood pressure monitor
Novosound today announced the unveiling of an ultrasonic blood pressure monitor, miniaturizing blood pressure monitoring in wearable devices.

Distalmotion wins FDA de novo nod for Dexter surgical robot
Distalmotion announced today that it received FDA de novo approval for its Dexter surgical robot for adult inguinal hernia repair.