Edwards launches Sapien 3 valve with Alterra prestent in Europe

Edwards Lifesciences (NYSE: EW)+ announced that it launched its Sapien 3 transcatheter pulmonary valve implant (TPVI) system with Alterra adaptive prestent in Europe.

The launch expands the continent’s minimally invasive treatment options to a broader range of patients with congenital heart conditions.

Edwards recently received CE mark for Sapien 3 with Alterra. It offers use in the management of patients with severe pulmonary regurgitation. The company designed its new system to address a wider range of anatomies, building on the Sapien 3 platform. Edwards launched the Sapien 3 valve with Ultra Resilia technology in Europe earlier this year.

The valve’s Alterra present is a special stent that addresses variations in size and morphology of the right ventricular outflow tract. This helps provide a stable landing zone for the Sapien 3 valve. Alterra’s delivery system offers smooth tracking to the pulmonary artery and the unique ability to recapture and reposition if needed.

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